The GTC Group

PRINCE2® Foundation Online



  • ✓ Modern facilities
  • ✓ Course materials and certificate
  • ✓ Accredited international trainers
$ 155.00
$ 155.00

Course Overview

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with sufficient knowledgeand understanding of the PRINCE2® method to be able to workeffectively with, or as a member of, a project management teamworking within an environment supporting PRINCE2®.

Course Delivery

This course is available in the following formats:

E learning

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Course Outcomes

Delegates will gain knowledge and skills to:

Candidates should be able to apply and understand how to tailor PRINCE2® effectively to a project within an organization environmentsupporting PRINCE2®. Specifically candidates should:-

Understand the relationships between the roles, management products, principles, themes,

techniques and processes.

Be able to apply the principles, themes and processes to a project.
Examination Guidelines
The PRINCE2® Foundation online proctored examination is a closed-book 60 minute 75 multiple choice question paper with 5questions to be trial and not counted in scores. The pass mark is 50% (35 marks required to pass out of 70 available).
There are no formal pre-requisites for this course. However, it is anticipated that delegates will possessknowledge of projects or have experience of working in a project environment. This is to ensure that theintensive nature of the course does not cause delegates to struggle through the course.
Who Should Attend
This course is aimed at project managers, project managementconsultants and aspiring projectmanagers. It is also relevant toother key staff involved in thedesign, development and deliveryof projects who are required, orwish, to have a greater depth ofknowledge ofthe method

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Format: E learning

Location: Online

$ 155.00

PRINCE2® Foundation Online

  • ✓ Modern facilities
  • ✓ Course materials and certificate
  • ✓ Accredited international trainers
  • ✓ Training materials and workbook
  • ✓ Access to online resources

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